4. Five years.

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It’s been five years since I moved away from my home and family. Five years of waking up and being alone with my thoughts. Five years of missing home and its comforts and no longer knowing the city I grew up in. Some people move out of their homes by choice, but some people, like me, do it because they don’t have a choice.  I remember being nervous when I first moved to Delhi for my graduation. It was a high hurdle for me to jump over.  I left behind everything I knew and embraced a new home, a new city, and a new college. And looking back, I think I made the right decision.

Before starting, I want to clarify one thing. Living alone is not the same as being lonely. Living alone means I’ve got a few extra moments to myself. It can be a great way to learn about yourself. It may seem quite solitary but it has its perks. Below I list a few.

To begin with, living alone makes you stronger and independent. You can no longer rely on anybody else to pay your electricity bills or to deal with the angry shopkeepers. You have to manage your own money and be responsible for your schedules and timings. You'll have to learn to cook for yourself and shop for yourself too. Needless to say, living alone comes with a lot of responsibilities. But at the end of the day, you end up learning a lot.

Since you are your boss, there is no one to tell you what to do. You make your own choices and decisions which can build your confidence in great ways. Having personal space and freedom is liberating. Peace can help you in recovering from the hustle of daily life. You begin to enjoy your own company and be happy with yourself. Besides, you don’t have to compromise to fit into anyone else’s timetable. You start to practice self-love and acceptance. You may even end up trusting yourself more and learn the art of time management.

How did moving out help me?

Since I moved out of my house, my entire mindset has changed. I have learned to depend on myself. I have realized I had the power to create the life I want to live in and the person I want to be. I have achieved many personal goals that I couldn’t possibly have achieved or experienced back home. It has helped me in achieving my goals and also in expanding my potential. In the last five years, I have met people from all over India who have helped me grow as a human being.   I have never felt better. I feel independent with a sense of control and freedom.

To conclude, living alone for five years was one of the best things I have done for myself. I wouldn’t be as independent as I am now if I hadn’t done it. In a way, I have made myself proud. The tough move was worth it.


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